Friday, November 19, 2010

Why do I feel compelled to stalk people on the internet?

I have a weird need to creep around on the internet and monitor the in's and out's of the lives of particular acquaintances and/or friends of mutual friends.

Somethings about these particular people interest me and I can't help but check on them often, if not daily. Some of them I have a personal issue with (for instance, one is my boyfriend's vengeful ex) and others are some who happened to add me that I've never met before but whose statuses happened to catch my eye.

I am a friendly, socially successful female and I have no real problems with the way I interact with people. But for whatever reason, when I get on Facebook or Myspace, I have this wrenching need to see what these people are doing, where they're going, what they've bought.

I know it's creepy, but it's something I can't help but do. I'd also like to point out the fact that there is a possibility that there is nothing really wrong with creeping on FB/Myspace considering that these people broadcast their lives for all to see. Isn't it their folly?

Anyway, I'd just like some advice on how to stop this, because it's getting out of control. To the point where I am at work wondering whether or not this girl I troll is going to move in with her grandma. I don't even know this chick.

Thank you.Why do I feel compelled to stalk people on the internet?
Well, they are social websites and if they didn't want you to know they wouldn't have added you or have their pages/profiles public so don't consider yourself too creepy. They want that attention. If your stalking habit is becoming too time consuming, limit the time you spend on the internet, by establishing a schedule.Why do I feel compelled to stalk people on the internet?
It's a less difficult and safer alternative to stalking in person. My advice? Block those websites or avoid things that remind you to internet stalk.
you need to find your self a role model.because u r losing your freakin mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have u ever thought about E M P L O Y M E N T??? U NEED A JOB BEFORE THE COPS COME GET YOUR ***............
wow anger management prob. mabey?

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