Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why do people act awkwardly around me?

can it be me? are they intimidated? how come i always feel like people feel and act awkward around me? i always feel like people are talking bad about me and thinking negative or just don't like me or pretend to..i honestly don't think its just insecurities, im a decent looking girl and i accept how i look and who i a little shy though and tend to act ditsy.. i just lost my boyfriend and i have few friends i rarely go out anymore i just work 3 jobs. some days are better than others and ive never been so depressed and unhappy and its affecting me my life my relationships and my work( i work at a gym, a tanning salon and i waitress) so i am constantly interacting with do i get out of this..Why do people act awkwardly around me?
i think your life is lacking direction.

and you are way to stressed with the break up and your jobs. why do you work so many?? why not just get one really gud job and stick with it. Maybe try change your body language and deff change your outlook on your self :D

hang out with the friends that you can be completely comfortable around and laugh alot with and build your relationships up. id say if possible quit atleast one of the three jobs and or get a really gud paying job. i also rekkon you should try and take time off and relax after the whole break up to.

xWhy do people act awkwardly around me?
It's how you choose to perceive them and their actions.
I think you're imagining some of this.

Throw caution to the wind, go out and meet some new friends. They don't have to be guys. Just find people to hang out with.
Self confidence is key. People react to the energy you put out. This may sound dumb, but look at yourself in the mirror or on a web cam and see what your normal facial expression looks like. You may be surprised. Smile more often than not. Play around and experiment. It can't hurt.
relax, if it seems like its everyone else, then its you. sorry to say it, maybe you just need to calm down just from you little message uptop you seem tightly wound.
I think you're doing too much. Jeez 3 jobs. Cut it down to 2 so that you have some personal time to yourself.

If your life is all about working its not balanced. You need time to rest, relax, and enjoy yourself. When your life is balanced there is time for work, play, friends, and romance. Find ways to make your life more balanced and not a slave to your paycheck. Strive to make yourself and your life happier.
Well because your shy they might act like that. I had the same problem when I went out and the way I got out of it was by saying hi and talking to people and it helped.
What do you want them to do?
you NEED to have a lot of self esteem and just don't think those things. if you have friends there your friends. if it is possible...quit one or your jobs and get out there a little more
People can pick up on these feelings. That maybe why they are acting different. If your feeling depressed, you give off an emotion, even though you don't notice it. Once you come to an understanding with your situation and start being happy with yourself, things will get better. I know that is easier said than done, but don't give up. You are a special person, even if you don't always feel like it. Don't work your life away. Take time to get some enjoyment and fulfillment in your life. Then things will turn around for you. Good Luck.
I read this once in a book: some ppl work alot and dont wanna just set and have nothing to do not to give them selves a chance and a time to thing about the past and prevent those bad memories from poping up in ther head by chance not to make it take over them and ruin ther moment.Dont worry everyone suffer from a problem and they dont wanna even try to change.So good for u tht u asked someone to help solving this problem:)

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