Sunday, November 21, 2010

Should parents be more concerned about how much video games their kids play?

I see many kids that play video games all the time instead of actually getting out of the house and interacting with people... And this starts when kids are very young. Shouldn't parents get their kids to get out of the house moreShould parents be more concerned about how much video games their kids play?
My friends and family and I have always been addicted to games (whether they are board games, or puzzles, or video games...) and the only thing I can tell is, if it is an outlet, let them do it! Would you rather someone be depressed all the time, or play video games. Some people like being anti-social (Hell I was antisocial for most of my life and now I never meet a stranger...)

The main thing is, if they want to get out and do something, they will. If they don't, let them play. Eventually someone is going to have to change. See I don't have a problem with video games because we have always been better off playing the games (than being outside and drinking and doing drugs and having sex like most other kids when they were our age!)

And if anything, we learned strategies and tactics and skills that helped us later in life.

'Professor of Computer Science, Maria Klavee feels video games, if not too violent, can ';offer some real opportunities for puzzle solving, strategic and critical thinking';. But she adds that it's important that video and computer games are played in moderation. Klavee says parents should ';provide a selection of activities, not just the ones that have the most action or are addictive. Choose some that involve problem solving or good story lines. Also aim for a balance in your child's life. Sports are important, reading's important. Just think of computer games as one more component in a child's exploration of what's out there in society.';'(Source 2)

';Video and computer games will continue to be an exciting and growing part of children's media diets. With so many good games available for children and youth, it is unfortunate that so much attention has to be paid to games which are inappropriate for all youth and harmful to some. As long as children have easy access to these games, then policy debates will continue. Perhaps those debates will be moot in the near future as both the industry and parents make sure that the children and youth of America are sold games that entertain and benefit them.'; (Source 1)

I wouldn't say it's completely healthy to play these video games; but at the same time, you can learn a lot from playing a game long enough.

I hope this has helped you.Should parents be more concerned about how much video games their kids play?
mhm im addicted to many video games and no one does anything about it i need help!
Yes they should, but at the same time, the more you tell a kid not to do something, the more they want to do it. It's a double edged sword. If you don't let your kid do what they want, they will over compensate when they move out and make decisions for themselves. Instead, parents should ENCOURAGE physical activity, simply by getting out there with them.
Yes, I agree that parents should monitor how long their children should play video games, as well as what video games they are playing. I think it's worse if parents let their 5 year-old play a shooting game for one-hour a day rather than an educational game for five-hours.
Yep, My brother is a prime example.

He's is a VERY smart kid but is failing school because he doesn't do his homework and stays up until all hours of the night playing his Xbox, therefore is too tire to concentrate the next day.

His friends come over and ask him to come skating an he's always gt an excuse like his skateboard is broken, or he has a sore knee...pathetic.
I'm a gamer myself. I think MMOs are a good social outlet and cathartic for a lot of teenaged kids that otherwise would never voluntarily interact with their peers. there are pros and cons to gaming, of course, but nothing on a computer should be done without parental knowledge and consent. I wouldn't put a pc or console in a kid's own room until they're at least 15. until then, playing in a public area will keep them on the straight and narrow

also, there is no evidence to show that playing violent games leads to violence in ';real'; interactions with people. violent games are fine with me, so long as there is no blurring of what is real and acceptable in the game vs life itself.
Yes, I think parents should be more concerned about how much their children play video games. If kids do not acquire certain social skills and make certain social mistakes when they are younger, it is much harder and much more painful to complete those tasks when they are older.
Moderation is what I preach, not that I have to anymore, it's not concerns over video games, it's more Facebook, IM and with me Y/A. My kids are active, they love the outdoors, and they are also very much into hibernating in their rooms and going at it with the keyboard. Video games, yeah a bit different, stimuli outside of that monitor and joy stick, but it is incredible stimuli! Great for the brain! Great for the reflexes! If there is any question as to a diagnosis of ADHD my belief is that....if a kid can sit in front of a video game for an hour or more there is no problem with attention...bottom line, no drugs needed, just discipline. When do you become concerned? My belief is when they prefer to stay at home and play alone given a choice to play with others, or become overweight from inactivity (hopefully before that) or when they can not seem to focus on important things, priorities (like now, when I should be in bed getting a good night sleep for work tomorrow am), that's when I would become concerned. What would I do, honestly if I thought it was a huge problem...take the whole console, joy sticks, games and all, to the nearest ';boys and girls club'; or orphanage for someone else to enjoy.
Yes, parents should be more concerned about how much video games their kids play. I am not a fan for any electronic games and TV. My kids will be lucky if they can have 2 hours TV/week. Video games are rewards after examination time. I keep them entertain with kids activities most of the time. In fact, they have get used to this lifestyle to the extend that the TV is never on and there is no video game gadget in our house. I do allow them to play educational games on PC only occasionally....during holidays and again, it is limited to not more than 2 hours.

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