Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can I become more social and comfortable at parties?

At social events, I tend to hide in the corner with my friends, just chatting.I feel too self conscious to dance, and I feel that I would have a hard time getting up and mingling and socializing. I'm not socially awkward; I have a wide selection of friends. However, when it comes to mingling and interacting with people I don't know, I become shy which is very unlike my normally boisterous self .

How can I overcome my timidness and get up, dance, and join the party?How can I become more social and comfortable at parties?
it makes it easy if you just treat them like there already your friends. do as you do with the wide selection of friends you already have. most people are the same way, they just know how to b$llsh$t there way through.How can I become more social and comfortable at parties?
drink more!
Do you know how to dance?

That'd be a good place to start, become a really good dancer and dance with people and and that awkward shyness will peace out!

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