You probably have social phobia or social anxiety disorder. It's much more common than you think and I have suffered with it too. When you say, you don't know who you are anymore, I can relate with that so much. I feel like sometimes, that everyone around you is living and they are just flashing by, whilst all you can do is stand and observe. It's not nice at all.
I think cognitive behavioural therapy can be really useful. I have a friend who had this too, she did this therapy and is virtually recovered. She has a boyfriend, a job, lots of friends. I tried to do this therapy, but got too scared to keep going, that's how pathetic I was. I do feel I have some what overcome it too though. What I found helped me was gradually forcing myself to interact with people more. It's all about experience, if you close yourself off and withdraw into your own world, that world will just become more and more comfortable and you will never want to leave.
But if you venture out maybe even to just listen to convos, maybe just once challenge yourself to say one thing to one person with states how you really feel, it can be worth it. I know you can feel really anxious after it, but eventually you just have to stop caring. You are you, some people are going to like you and some won't. But you don't wanna know those people who don't like you anyway.
I personally didn't find medication useful, but it can help get rid of some symptoms like shaking, blushing etc i'm not sure if you get anything like that?
I'm sorry if I seem like i'm ranting, but this subject is v important to me and i really want you to get better. Good luck.I have a phobia of talking to people can you help?
First and foremost I would like to inform you that you are not alone on this issue. I personally suffer from an anxiety disorder, it makes it difficult for me to function in the world, make friends, go to school and so forth. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a troubling time. I recommend you find a chartered psychologist, not a psychiatrist. A psychologist, depending on what they believe will not put you on pills. I personally see a homeopathic psychologist. There is also a book and it is called ';The Anxiety %26amp; Phobia work book fourth edition'; and its by Edmund j. Bonurne, PH.D. It is highly recommended. Over all it sounds like you have a lot of issues that have to be dealt with, maybe trust issues, fear of the unknown... trust me I know how that feels. It's scary. Also your drinking does not help any matters at all. Drinking is a natural depressant and it wont help you the least bit. Hopefully this helps and you find success. Good Luck!
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